Sunday, December 27, 2009
christmas break
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
the long goodnight

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
cats. and birds.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
the next copper piece is my second one, same assignment. i love this one. i hope to make a pin out of it.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
button earrings
Friday, September 18, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009
just a bit overwhelmed
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
new technology!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
self portait

Monday, August 10, 2009
the other life
the thing is this; my parents were given a choice. alaska or australia. these opportunities were available to them after we lived in california. i was going into fourth grade, so becca and i weren't really told about the options at the time. i found out later i could've been an australian. mom was more inclined to go to australia, but we all would've had to give up our american citizenship and she wasn't too hip on that, so off to alaska we lumbered. and here i am. alaskan to the core.
but australia... it certainly is a tempting thought. who would i be if we had moved there? surely more active... skinnier? tanner? i understand that there is a bit more sexism there, as in women haven't got the same opportunities as they do in america. maybe that's false info. i don't know. i've never been, so i really can't say. i'm not even sure *where* in australia we would've gone... considering dad was a botanist/forester we probably would've lived in the bush. so we would've moved to a rather insular community that maybe didn't like newcomers. not much different than the tiny eskimo community we moved to here in alaska. maybe i would've turned out exactly the same... nature v.s. nurture, right?
the romance of another life... with no mistakes in it. *that's* what's tempting about it, really.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
mnemosyne (pronounced nee-moss-y-nee)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
off with you, then
Friday, July 17, 2009
my pretty little flower scarf
Thursday, July 16, 2009
mama comes home tonight! i'm so excited. she's been in oregon for her sister's memorial service. she got to spend a couple weeks with her brother. they are the last two of the five. and then she spent a day in portland with one of my cousins. i'm so jealous! i'm sooo miss these cousins, and i haven't seen them in about twelve years. their family is dear to me, and mama got to see andrea, denise, and renee at the memorial service for aunt corine, plus their mom, aunt cary, who is my mama's cousin. we just call her aunt cary because it's easier and more fitting to designate her as our aunt. mama got to meet most of their kids, too. sooooo jealous.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
cartoons, anyone?
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
i got sucked in by a mystery shopper scam last may; they sent me $4,ooo check. i was supposed to spend some of the money at a local store, report the experience and send the rest by money order to investigate that service. everybody in the house checked out the letter and said it sounded legit. cough, cough. i spent the money at the local store and went to send the money order, but when i got to the store, i realized i'd left the 3,500 at home. so i went home to get it and there was a message from my bank saying the check had bounced. thank you, god, i didn't have that money with me! so i contacted the mystery shopper company and they said they'd mail a cashier's check that day. waited two weeks. no check. called again. no answer. i called all that day, and by the end of that day, there was a message stating that number was no longer in service. ah, ha. so i called the fbi. i know. the fbi! my sister's husband told me to do it. and the guy was so nice! and understanding. yes, this was a scam. thank goodness you didn't send the money. it was a brand new scam, so it hadn't been reported yet. yay! i'm the first! uh, yeah. not so cool. anyway. i took the money and gave it to the bank. but the other five hundred was just gone. so.
now i owe the bank something like seven hundred from interest. and i can't get a checking account anywhere else without paying for this deficit. i feel so stupid! yes, it can happen to you.

little doodle

Sunday, June 28, 2009
my aunt

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
asian girl
15 books
1)Beauty by Robin McKinley; this was my first fantasy. up to this point i'd been reading the horrible sweet valley high series--okay, they probably weren't horrible, but after reading beauty i couldn't pick another one up without criinging
2)Teen Titans, Cloak and Dagger, X-men; comic books rocked my world in high school and junior high. 'nuff said.
3) Anne of Green Gables; i got my hot little mits on this one in sixth grade. i then commenced to mooning around, imagining i had consumption, and writing really bad prose
4)Sharon Oldes; poetry as meaningful, mind-blowing shit
5)The Key of Hed trilogy by Patricia McKillip
6)The Great Gatsby
7)Hemingway; i had, up to this point, emilated L.M. Montgomery in my own writing. just a bit too much for this day and age. but Hemingway taught me to be sparing. brilliant author, horrible man.
8)Beth Moore's bible studies--whoa. good stuff.
9)White Oleander
10)Sharon Shinn--oh, my gawd, i absolutely adore her
11) Laurel K. Hamilton; vampires and werewolves and witches, oh my!
12)Wen Spencer; love, love, love her work
13)SARK; utterly brilliant--i'd follow her anywhere
14)the harry potter series--can't wait to read what Rowling has up her sleeve for a next go at it
15)Nora Roberts' trilogies, i'm embaressed to report. it's just that her characters are so real. there are a couple series to skip, but she really is an exellent story-teller
Sunday, June 14, 2009
i did two sketches of this woman. her nose came out way too long. oh, the horror. i still like that sagey green with the red, though. nice contrasty colorage. ah, here she is with a crazy turned-up nose. hmmm. just couldn't get her quite right. and this woman is so striking. i'm disappointed i couldn't do her. at least her lips are right.
yesterday i did really well at farmer's market. yay! it's so gratifying to have people appreciate your work.
becca had a miscarriage two weeks ago. thankfully, she hadn't known she was pregnant. she was only a month along. but she really wants another baby. and i just don't know what it feels like to lose one. after the hysterectomy, thankfully, i'll never have to go through that. sometimes i wonder if i did the right thing. i just don't know. but, boy, do i like not having my period! yay for freedom!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
i'm really pleased with this one. it's kind of faint. sorry. but i love the negative spaces! and indigo is my favorite color.
we went to farmer's market yesterday to sell our jewelry (my sister and i make jewelry and sell at farmer's market and a couple shops in town). i did well! yay! it always feels good when people like your stuff. i sold more than becca, which was astonishing, cause she *always* does better than me. maybe i'll go buy a cd in celebration. love new music.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
again, i do like shoulders. neck's too long but other than that i like it.
i'm thinking about going back to college. get a degree. so i've applied for student aid and admission. i'll know in a couple weeks if i'm accepted and whether or not i qualify for federal student aid. it really all depends if i get the financial aid. i'll study art, maybe get a BFA instead of a BA. kind of looking forward to it, so i'll be disappointed if i don't get the money.
Monday, May 25, 2009
i was playing with assymetry at this point in my drawing; eyes different sizes. i like how this one turned out, 'cause that's where you look first; those dark, irregular eyes.
it's deborah's birthday today. she's six! i'm so proud of her. looking forward to yummy cake and watching her open her presents.
becca and her little family are still talking about moving out, so i've been trying to come up with some positive benefits. 1)i'll be able to bead and craft whenever i want! 2)i'm going to move upstairs into my old room and make the basement my studio. 3)i'll have a real closet again! 4)i'll have a door! 5)mom can have the girl's room as a sewing room--maybe she'll be able to get to some of the projects she's been wanting to do. 6)no more temper tantrums from the girls.
the biggest detraction is missing the girls. i can see me going, "damn, i even miss those temper tantrums." but they're not going far, so we'll still have lots of visits. but no more late night beading sessions with becca. no more impromptue late night talks.
so even though there are several things to look forward to, i'm still bummed.